Saturday, February 28, 2015

How can i change move re locate the local temp folder of Microsoft OneDrive Skydrive to a different location

I wanted to move the local temp folder of OneDrive to a different harddrive on my computer.


I found the right hints here:

Change the OneDrive Folder Location

Technical Level : Basic


Learn how to change the OneDrive folder location. This is useful if you have a limited storage capacity main drive but a separate storage drive and you want your OneDrive content synced to the separate drive. This is not for OneDrive for Business.


Many people use two separate drives on their computers: a main drive like an SSD to run the operating system and other programs, and a regular hard drive to store the bulk of their content. OneDrive defaults to the C:UserOneDrive location, however you can change it wherever you want.
Change the OneDrive Location in Windows 8 and Previous
To change the OneDrive folder location in Windows 8 and previous versions, you have unlink OneDrive from your account and then repeat the setup process:
  1. Right-click on the OneDrive icon in the notification area and then select Settings
  2. Select "Settings" and then select "Unlink OneDrive"
  3. Follow the setup process again and ensure to select the new drive or location to have OneDrive sync to; you must wait for your files to download again to the new location
Please note: if youve connected your Windows 8 user account with your Microsoft account, OneDrive wont let you unlink the application. Youll have to unlink your Microsoft account from your Windows account first.
Change the OneDrive Location in Windows 8.1
To change the OneDrive folder location in Windows 8.1, you can simply change the location directly through the Properties menu of the OneDrive folder:
  1. Open File Explorer, right-click on the OneDrive folder in the navigation pane (left-hand side), and then select Properties
  2. Click the "Location" tab and then select "Move"
  3. Select the location where you want OneDrive to sync to and then click OK
OneDrive will move all of your OneDrive files from the default location to the new location; you dont have to wait for files to download again.
for details click below

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