Monday, March 2, 2015

Publisher 2010 wont save export PDF nor XPS any more

After updating my system to Windows 8, Office 2010 Publisher quit saving files as PDF and XPS. The error message was:
"Publisher cannot save the file" or in german "Publisher kann Datei nicht speichern".
On a different computer the same file saved as PDF without problems.

I found the right hints how to fix it here:

I changed my default printer to a different one than before and suprisingly  PDF and XPS export in Publisher was working fine again.

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Office 365 PowerShell Commands

Office 365 PowerShell Commands

Here are some powershell commands that I used with Office 365 to automate my Cutover migration.  In these examples Im using my domain where your domain should be.
These are mostly commands you would use after you have moved your mailboxes to Office 365.

Open the Microsoft Online Services Module for Windows PowerShell
If you want to run any commands that have Msol in them, like Get-MsolUser, you need to run this first:
$Cred = Get-Credential
Connect-MsolService -Credential $cred

If your not running on your ADFS server, you may need to connect to it first with this:
Set-MsolAdfscontext -Computer adfs1

If you want to run any commands that involve the mailboxes, like Get-Mailbox, you need to run this first:$Cred = Get-Credential
$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $Cred -Authentication:Basic -AllowRedirection
Import-PSSession $Session
Assign Licenses
Check the name of the license pack we need:

Assign everyone the same licenses at one time instead of doing them one at a time in the 365 console. 
This is the the license for Live@EDU Faculty
Get-MsolUser | Set-MsolUserLicense -addlicenses skillsinc:STANDARDWOFFPACK_FACULTY

Assign location
Get-MsolUser | Set-MsolUser -UsageLocation "US”

Set Timezone (Run these two lines one at a time)
$users = Get-Mailbox -ResultSize unlimited -Filter {(RecipientTypeDetails -eq UserMailbox)}
$users | %{Set-MailboxRegionalConfiguration $_.Identity -TimeZone "Pacific Standard Time" }

Fix ImmutableId if its missing (Dont mess with this unless you know for sure why)
$samID = "johndoe"
$searcher = [DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher] "(samaccountname=$samID)"
$user = $searcher.FindAll()|%{$_.GetDirectoryEntry()}
$guid = [Guid]($user.Properties["objectGUID"][0])
$base64 = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($guid.ToByteArray())
set-msoluser -UserPrincipalName -ImmutableId $base64

Check to see what everyone ImmutableID is
Get-MsolUser -all | where {$_.isLicensed -eq $true} | select-object userprincipalname,immutableid

Force Removal off all deleted mailboxes from Recycle Bin
Get-MsolUser -ReturnDeletedUsers | Remove-MsolUser -RemoveFromRecycleBin -Force

Give yourself access to all the mailboxes
Get-Mailbox -ResultSize unlimited -Filter {(RecipientTypeDetails -eq UserMailbox) -and (Alias -ne ed)} | Add-MailboxPermission -User -AccessRights fullaccess -InheritanceType all -Automapping $false

Find out how much mail is out there and send it to a text file
Get-User -Filter {RecipientType -eq "UserMailbox"} | Get-MailboxStatistics | ft DisplayName, TotalItemSize, ItemCount | Sort-Object TotalItemSize -Descending > mailboxes.txt

When users are added to the HR inbox they need to be able to forward emails
Add-RecipientPermission -AccessRights SendAs -Trustee

Convert a mailbox into a Room Resource and let people add meetings to it
Set-Mailbox -Identity ConferenceRoom1 -Type Room
Set-MailboxFolderPermission -identity -user Default -AccessRights Author

Close the session after your done...
Remove-PSSession $Session

More Office 365 tips coming soon!
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My History with Infor Visual Manufacturing

This is in response to an email I got asking me about how my upgrades went and if I used new hardware.
When we did our big upgrade to 6.3.8, we moved the database to new hardware and then did the upgrade.
We also had a consultant do the conversion because we moved from Oracle to SQL server.
The conversion went fine. I move copies of the database to my test server all the time. Moving the databases around is no problem since there is no software tied to it directly on the DB server.
I use Microsoft DFS that comes with Server 2003 R2 and beyond to create DFS shares for my visual files. That way I can move servers around and it will not ever break Visual on the desktop.
So my Visual binary files are always loaded from v: and the custom reports from o:.
I also have 3 sites with a WAN, so I use thin clients at the remote sites and a terminal server here connected to my DB server with a Gigabit line. It works great. Much better than running over the wan with just the Visual client.
Even my planners at remote sites use Remote Desktop to run Visual.

Back to the install…
It much easier to do smaller upgrades, so I have done the last 2 by myself.
Like from 6.3.8 to 6.4.1 and then I went from 6.4.1 to 6.5.1.
I upgrade Visual about once a year.
Both upgrades were very simple and the database changes were done in like 15 minutes or less.
I used to use Microsoft SMS 2003 (System Management Server 2003) to push out the software to the desktops, but it was just getting out of hand, so now I run everything from a network share and it seems to be fine.
We have about 50 concurrent Visual users and about 20 barcode stations.

I hate SQLbase. I have to use it for my some of my timekeeping software.
I use Microsoft SQL server 2005 now and it comes with Reporting services free and we use it for lots of custom web based reports. I love it.
The only thing I didnt like was that I had to re-create all my 100 users when I upgraded from SQL2000 to SQL2005. This also happens when you change servers, so I did both things at the same time, so that I would only have to re-create everyone once.
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How much water do plants need Dont care! Use Blumat!

How much water do your plants need? It took me a lot of time (and lots of indoor plants) before i finally found it, that i will probably never learn to give them the right amount of water. How to fix that problem?
Use the great Blumat Watering System. Less problems with your plants. More time to write great code :-)
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Where can i find a free hosted Team Foundation Server Service

I was looking for a free hosted service of Microsoft Team Foundation Server to have version control for my Visual Studio software projects.

I found out, that Microsoft itself offers a free plan for up to 5 users under:

What it (currently) includes :

·         Up to 5 users

·         Unlimited number of projects

·         Version control (TFVC or Git)

·         Work item tracking

·         Agile planning tools

·         Virtual team rooms

·         Build (still in preview)

·         Test management (still in preview)
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Windows Phone 8 1 ActiveSync Error 86000106 with Open XChange groupware

My Windows Phone 8 OS-Version: 8.10.12397.895 startet to throw error 86000106 when syncing with my companys Open-XChange groupware server.

Found similar issues described in a forum, but that did not help for me:

The fixes suggested to change sync interval from "based on usage" to "manual".

I deleted the particular Exchange ActiveSync Account on my phone and added it again. The account syncs OK since this.

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C SQLCLR SqlMetaData with SqlDbType Float column getting InvalidCastException on SqlDataRecord SetFloat

In my SQLCLR C# Stored Procedure on SQL Server 2008 R2 i returned the results using a SqlDataRecord that has a column of SqlDbType.Float.

Trying to set the value using the SetFloat Method, i got an InvalidCastException.

I found out that SqlDbType.Float is equal to a System.Double data type. Using the SetDouble Method it works fine.

Here i found the right hints:


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Sunday, March 1, 2015

CATIA Errors

Here are some tips to go with some CATIA errors that I have resolved.

OSM_VE004 : Cannot open document due to data storage versionning. 

This means that the file you are opening is newer than the Version of CATIA you are running.
In my case I opened the catpart in notepad and searched for LastSaveVersion
Next to that I found 5/21/4/
Since I was on V5R20, this told me that I needed to install V5R21SP4.

CATIA V5R21 will not find the LUM License Manager
CATIA now wants to use the DSLS License Manager, but you can force it to use LUM.

To tell CATIA V5R21 to use LUM, add this Enviromental Variable:
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Cannot delete TCP IP printer port because The requested resource is in use Die angeforderte Ressource wird bereits verwendet in Windows 8

I uninstalled a network printer under Windows 8, but the TCP/IP printer port was still in the list of printer ports. I tried to manually delete it form the ports list, but i got the error message "The requested resource is in use" (In german: "Die angeforderte Ressource wird bereits verwendet"). Reboot did not help.

I found the right hints here:

1. Open the registry Editor "regedit.exe"
2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlPrintPrinters
3. Is the Printer deleted recently still listed there? If yes, delete the according entry in the registry
4. Restart the Spooler Service
5. Delete the TCP/IP Printer port.

I did this, because our Network admin changed the hostname of a HP Color LaserJet 4650dn Printer and i had to re-install it on my computer.
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Cant open sqlproj with Visual Studio 2012 Install SQL Server Data Tools

I recently updated to Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate.
When i tried to open an existing SQL Server SQLCLR Project (*.sqlproj), it says that the sqlproj is incompatible with the version I am running.

I installed the SQL Server Data Tools from

I found the solution here:

and here:

and here:
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C HRESULT comparison

Thanks to Rick Strahl for this great blog entry that saved me a lot of time solving a COM Interop issue:

COMException exposes this HRESULT as an int value in the Exceptions ErrorCode property. Now in my brain freeze haze I tried something like this:

try{ this.OutputBuffer = this.ComInstance.GetType().InvokeMember("ProcessHit", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, this.ComInstance, new object[1] { this.CompleteInputBuffer }) as string;}catch (COMException ex){ // *** RPC Server Unavailable if ( ex.ErrorCode == 0x800706ba ) { // try to reload the server if (this.LoadServer()) return this.CallComServer(); } this.ErrorMessage = ex.Message; return false;}catch (Exception ex){ this.ErrorMessage = ex.Message; return false;}finally{ this.EndRequest();}

Now that seems like it should work well enough right?

Eh, not quite. The problem is that the constant hex value is created as a uint while the HRESULT is a signed integer. The code compiles just fine but at runtime the comparision may fail (depending on the HRESULTs actual value - high values like the one above (and arent just about all COM errors 0x800... ) will fail.

So quick - how do you create a signed hex constant?

I dont know, but this works as expected:

if ( (uint) ex.ErrorCode == 0x800706ba )
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How to update Linq to SQL dbml database layout in Visual Studio 2012

I have not been working with the Linq to SQL tool before and had to make some changes to an existing Visual Studio 2012 project. Some new colums were added to a database table and i needed to update the corresponding dbml file in the Visual Studio project.

I found the solution here:

Delete the modified tables from the designer, and drag them back onto the designer surface from the Database Explorer. I have found that, for this to work reliably, you have to:
a. Refresh the database schema in the Database Explorer (right-click, refresh)
b. Save the designer after deleting the tables
c. Save again after dragging the tables back.
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3CX Drops support for Polycom and Grandstream

It looks like as of Version 12, Service Pack 3, that 3CX has dropped support for Polycom and Grandstream phones.
The phones no longer show up in the Phones area as Provisioned making it impossible to reboot or provision them from the console.

A discussion about this can be found on the 3CX forum here:

This article ... hallenges/ contains reasons why 3CX doesnt want to support Polycom phones anymore.

Time to find a new PBX or is this just a bug?
Tell me what you think in the comments.

Our 3CX Background:
Skills Inc has 250 Polycom SoundPoint phones connection to a 3CX PBX.
The phones all connect to one Hyper-V Virtual server over a Fiber Optic WAN from 3 locations.  We have a Comcast PRI that connects to a Patton Gateway for our main trunk.  We use Grandstream FXO GXW4104 gateways to connect analog lines to the 3CX at each location for 911 calls.
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Finding chord names for given notes

Today i had to find the chord names for some notes on my keyboard. This great tool helped me:
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SQL Server Message 6260 system overflowexception because of arithmetic overflow error caused by divison by 0

One of my C# SQLCLR table valued function started to throw an exception with some recently added data to the database:

SQL Server Message 6260
system.overflowexception Arithmetic Overflow

It turned out to be caused by a divison by 0 happening at runtime because of bad records in the data. I added some code to check for this which fixed the problem of the arithemtic overlow.

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TexStudio does not find MIKTex LaTeX installation AutoConfig does not work

I installed MIKTeX 2.9.5105 64 Bit on my Windows 8.1 64 Bit OS. Then I installed TeXStudio 2.7.0 as my favourite TeX Editor.
Starting up TeXStudio, it did not find my MIKTeX Installation and therefore refused to compile documents.


I found some hints here:

Close TeXStudio. In Windows Explorer navigate to: %APPDATA% exstudio (Alternatively you can navigate to C:UsersYOUR_WINDOWS_ACCOUNT_NAMEAppDataRoaming exstudio).

Delete texstudio.ini file.

Restart TeXStudio.

This fixed it for me.
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Outlook 2013 Folder Pane empty blue gone no folders after September Office Update caused by KB2817630 patch

Recently, opening my Outlook 2013, the folder pane was empty. Indeed, it looked not really to be empty. It was filled with blue color and the was some mouseover effect happening moving the pointer over it.

It turned out, that the September update of Office Software can cause this issue in case a certain combination of Outook.exe and mso.dll happens. Its the KB2817630 patch causing the problem in case the August Cumulative update is NOT installed on the Computer.

Heres what the TechNet blog says:
"Due to a version incompatibility between outlook.exe and mso.dll, a mismatched reference to a data structure causes the “Minimize” button in the navigation
pane to render incorrectly, typically extremely large to the point that the navigation pane is "invisible" to the user. The issue only manifests when incompatible versions of outlook.exe and mso.dll exist on the system."

It only happes to:
  • Office 2013 Standard
  • Office 2013 Professional Plus
  • Heres a good description, how to fix it:

    Where can you find the Outlook.exe and mso.dll Version Information?
    Go to File -> Office Account -> Info about Outlook

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    How to exchange data with a running SIMULINK model from MATLAB workspace

    I have a SIMULINK model to filter and process sensor data. I wanted to access some of model data from MATLAB workspace while the model was running.


    In my simulink model i added a non-blocking UDP receive block, a triggered subsystem ad a UDP send block.
    The Status output of the UDP receive block triggers the subsystem which contains the UDP send block and received as Input the model data i want to send to the workspace.

    In the workspace i create a UDP object to communicate with the UDP blocks in the SIMULINK model.
    When the model is running, i send just a single byte on UDP from Workspace to the UDP Receive to Trigger the send. Next step is to read the desired number of bytes from the udp port in the workspace.

    I found out, that the timing of this solution is not very performant. When the model is very busy (or at least the CPU is), then there can be significant delays in the model sending out the data on UDP. I think this does not work for real-time Systems, but its a simple solution to get it working.

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    Connect Windows 8 metro apps to OpenXChange Groupware Server

    I wanted to connect my Windows 8 calendar, mail and contacts app to my companys OpenXChange-Server.
    How i fixed it:
    Like described in: found out, that it works like this for Windows 8 as well!
    Windows Phone 7 includes a pre-installed Exchange ActiveSync client, with which you can synchronize your emails, contacts and appointments between your mobile phone and the Groupware Server.
    Note: This guide refers to a non-modified version of Windows Phone 7. The icons and names on your mobile phone may be different from this guide. In this case, refer to your mobile phone documentation or ask your cell phone provider.
    How to configure your Windows Phone 7 mobile phone:
    1. In the main menu, select the right arrow icon or scroll to the left to access the application list.
    2. Select Settings. Choose email & accounts.
    3. Select add an account. Select the Outlook account type.
    4. Enter the E-Mail address you use for the Groupware Server. Enter the password you use for the Groupware Server. Note: The entries are case-sensitive. Select sign in. 5. Enter your access data (username and domain) for the Groupware Server. If your username contains the @ character, enter the characters preceding @ in the Username field, the characters following @ in the Domain field. Example: For the username enter mike as user and as domain. If your username does not contain the @ character, enter the username in the Username field and defaultcontext in the Domain field. Select Sign in.
    6. A notification message is shown. Select Advanced. On the next page select show all settings.
    7. Enter the server name (hostname, FQDN) of the Groupware Server in the Server field. If your server uses encryption, enable Server requires an encrypted (SSL) connection.
    8. Check the settings. Select sign in. Result: Your mobile phone is configured to use the Grouwpare Server. The initial synchronization automatically starts immediately. Depending on the data volume and the network connection, the first synchronization might take a while.
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    How to use LateX bibunits package with TeXnicCenter

    I got a LateX document template that was using the bibunits package to create the references list. Out of the box, TeXnicCenter was not creating the references list in the document, there were still "unknown references".
    How i fixed it:
    I found the right hints here:
    There are two steps to make it working:
    1. In your project folder create a batch-file with the following Content (in case its not already part of the template files):

    @echo off
    echo Processing auxiliary files with BibTeX
    For %%i in (*.aux) Do bibtex %%i

    save it e.g as compilebib.bat.
    2. Then click define output profiles (Alt+F7), select the postprocessor tab, and add new. Put compilebib.bat under executable.
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    How to Fix USB Device Not Recognized in windows

    In time, when you plug yours USB device to your windows, you maybe receive pop up massage. If your USB device is not detected, then this pop up will show you how you can repair this issue.

    How to Fix USB Device Not Recognized in windows

    - A simple way is restart of the windows computer. Unplug your USB. Restart and plug in and see if it works. If it does not, shut down your computer, wait for a few minutes and then start your computer again.

    - Disconnect your other USB’s, connect this one and see if it helps.

    - Run device manager and select action tab, and click Scan for hardware changes and see if help.

    - Check if you need to update your drivers. Open Control Panel > Printers and devices. Check if you can see any entry for Unidentified USB device or Unknown Device. Open its Properties and update its driver, if an update is found to be available.

    By allow the computer to turn a device to save power.

    Run the Hardware and Device Troubleshooter or the Windows USB Troubleshooter and check if it helps. The automated tools check the hardware or USB connected to the computer for any known issues and fix them automatically

    How to Fix USB Device Not Recognized in windows

    Maybe this posting will continue to next post
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    The camera is used by another program

    On my sisters Asus A8JR Laptop Skype was complaining "The camera is used by another program".
    How i fixed it:
    She had ICQ installed and it was started with windows. Setting ICQ to not start automatically, made the webcam usable for Skype.
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    Export parts of Firefox bookmarks to HTML or Trac

    After searching around on the web for a while, i decided to write my own little conversion tool to export only parts of my firefox bookmarks, e.g. subfolders, to a HTML-File or in TRAC format.
    Heres how i did it:
    I added the OPML Addon to my firefox:
    I exported my bookmarks to an OPML-File, which is just XML.
    Next i create a little XSL-Stylesheet that converts the OPML to the desired format.
    To convert OPML to TRAC links the XSLT looks like this (OPML2TRAC.xsl):

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
    <xsl:output method="text" encoding="utf-16" media-type="text/plain" omit-xml-declaration="yes" indent="no"/>
    <xsl:variable name="exportRootFolderName">PlaceTheNameOfYourSubfolderHere</xsl:variable>
    <xsl:template match="/">
    <xsl:for-each select="//outline[@text=$exportRootFolderName]">
    <xsl:call-template name="outlineConvert"></xsl:call-template>
    <xsl:template name="outlineConvert">
    <xsl:for-each select="outline[@url != ]">
    <xsl:sort select="@text" />[<xsl:value-of select="./@url" disable-output-escaping="yes"/><xsl:text> </xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="./@text"/>]<xsl:text>

    To convert OPML to HTML links the XSLT looks like this (OPML2HTML.xsl):

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
    <xsl:output method="html" encoding="utf-16" media-type="text/html" omit-xml-declaration="yes" indent="no"/>
    <xsl:variable name="exportRootFolderName">PlaceTheNameOfYourSubfolderHere</xsl:variable>
    <xsl:template match="/">
    <xsl:for-each select="//outline[@text=$exportRootFolderName]">
    <xsl:call-template name="outlineConvert"></xsl:call-template>
    <xsl:template name="outlineConvert">
    <h2>My Bookmarks</h2>
    <table border="1">
    <xsl:for-each select="outline[@url != ]">
    <xsl:sort select="@text" />
    <xsl:attribute name="href">
    <xsl:value-of select="./@url"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="./@text"/>

    Replace the "PlaceTheNameOfYourSubfolderHere" value with the name of the Subfolder of your firefox bookmarks.

    In the head of the OPML-File insert the reference to the XSL-File:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="opml2trac.xsl"?>
    <opml version="1.0">
    ... Rest of the OPML file ...

    Open the OPML in Firefox or Internet Explorer now. You should then see the converted result.

    You can also use a XSLT-Processor, e.g. MSXSL to do the conversion.
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    How to change the name of a network connection in Windows 7

    Windows 7 automatically names network connections like Connection 1 etc. I want to assign a name to the network connection myself, but theres no context menu or link in the network and share center. How i fixed it: Click on the network type symbol next to the name of the network at "Active Networks" in the network and share center. A dialog box opens to allow entering a name for the network and to choose the symbol to be displayed. Here are the screenshots for my german OS:
    Click on the network symbol to open the dialog:
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    How to create a hyperlink URL to open a specific page in a PDF file

    I was wondering, how i can link to a specific page in a PDF file openend in the browser.

    How-I-fixed it:

    Heres the AdobeManual on PDF opening Parameters for command line and URL:

    Specifying parameters in a URL
    You can specify multiple parameters in a single URL. Separate each parameter with either an ampersand (&) or a pound (#) character. Actions are processed and executed from left to right as they appear in the URL.
     Because all specified actions are executed, it is possible that later actions will override the effects of previous actions, so it is important to use the correct order. For example, page actions should appear before zoom Actions.
    Commands are not case sensitive except for the value of a named destination. There can be no spaces in the URL.


    URL examples,250,100,100
    URL limitations
    Only one digit following a decimal point is retained for float values.
    Individual parameters, together with their values (separated by & or #), can be no greater then 32 characters in length.
    You cannot use the reserved characters =, #, and &. There is no way to escape these special characters.

    If you turn bookmarks off using a URL parameter when a document had previously been saved with bookmarks on, the bookmark scrollbars are displayed at first, and only disappear once Acrobat obtains enough streamed information to render the full page.
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    Nokia Lumia 920 WindowsPhone 8 WP8 Battery drain because of background tasks

    Over the last days, the battery of my Lumia 920 was empty much faster than i was used to. Usually it lasted y couple of days, but now its empty after 1 day.

    I found the right hints here:

    I fixed it by disabled a couple of background tasks. I also found out, that some of those Background tasks were added by recently installed apps.

    Go to Settings->Apps->Background Tasks to see the list of apps that work in the background and choose the ones the disable.

    Auf Deutsch:
    Der Akku meines Nokia Lumia 920 wird schnell leer aufgrund von aktiven Hintergrundanwendungen.
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    How to have different local web config settings for a Visual Studio ASP NET C Web TFS Project

    Today we started an ASP.NET C# Project under VisualStudio 2012 using Team Foundation Server. We ran into the problem that we need to store some local path settings in the web.config file, but they are different on every developers computer.

    The solution is, to split the web.config up into several files and just reference the files using the configSource="sectionName.config" Attribute in the corresponding section in the web.config. Dont add these local files to the project, to not get them overwritten by each other.

    Heres a sample:


    <KCM.Properties.Settings configSource="KCM.Properties.Settings.config" />



    xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>


    <setting name="DataStoragePath" serializeAs="String">




    Here i found the right information to get the solution:
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    What to do for iPhone 5 and 4S random drop of network and data signal connection

    iPhone loosing network and data connection:  Many of iPhone 5 and 4S users are suffering from random loss of call network and data service.  An iphone suffering from the issue in context will suddenly find feature e.g. call, SMS, and 3G Internet facility non-functional, even though shown signal quality/strength may be good.

    The issue may be with  SIM cards; some people have reported success after disabling a SIM PIN, or else changing cards. Few user has eliminated the glitch by doing a full restore of their device.

    Apple is though aware of errors, and working with carriers provider on the error. The firmware was, for instance, supposed to fix other issue like recurring battery life problems, but these have continued for some users even as other people have had them solved.

    • According to few user, the root cause for the reception issue may lie with the way the SIM Card is aligned on the SIM tray.
    • One  way to overcome this is to disable the SIM PIN. Go to Settings > Phone Menu > Turn SIM PIN off.
    • Try Toggling Airplane mode. Or Turn your phone off, then wait five minutes, then turn your phone back on again, then wait five more minutes and try using it as normal. 
    Hope these steps might have helped you.

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    Dont get the iPhone 4s there are better phones

    I just got my first iPhone, what a disapointment.
    It was my first iPhone since I am loyal to Sprint and my unlimited data plan.
    Im ready to return it after one day.
    Even after the IOS5 upgrade the OS feels old and dated, it still looks the same as it does on my kidss generation 2 ipod touch. Was this boxy phone the best they could come up with.
    My HTC Evo 4G had a huge screen compaired to this and its 2 years old!
    Yes, Siri is cool, but you will need it since you cant read anything on this little screen!
    I like how readable my email is on Andriod and when I zoom in on my email the text doesnt wrap, and that just sucks.
    I read that the Galaxy 2S has a 4.5" screen and a better camera.  I should have got that.
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    Windows Live Essentials 2011

    I am very impressed with the new tools that come with Windows Live Essentials 2011.  The Live writer that I’m using for this blog make posting easy and the new Live Messenger is now my favorite tool for navigating Facebook along with my other Social Media tools, like LinkedIn, YouTube and Blogger.

    Live messenger

    Check it out!

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    How To Give Password To Folder and protect your folder

    How to Give Password to Folder and protect your folders can be done easily, either using software or not. A folder containing documents in word or pdf files of important data in the form it needs to be secured from the hands of ignorant office friends, classmates, or even your own family members. Surely not want dong suppose weve created office tasks or coursework then suddenly the data is copied by your friend? Maybe your friends grounded just borrow your laptop and it will not open up important files, but who knows if it is misused? This would be very annoying. Therefore we need to secure our data in order not to arbitrarily open by someone else by limiting access to the folder that contains important data. Then how do I give the password folder on your computer? There are two ways this can be achieved, namely:

    How To Give Password To Folder and protect your folder

    Give the folder password without software
    This step can be taken if you want to give the password without the help of software, so that you only utilize the existing facilities on the computer. This can be done for computers that operate on the Windows operating system yes. Here are the steps.

    1. Open notepad, for the uninitiated notepad located in the Start -> All Programs -> accesorries -> notepad

    2. Copy the code below and paste it into notepad

    title Folder Locker
    if EXIST "Control Panel. {21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
    if NOT EXIST Locker goto MDLOCKER
    echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder (Y / N)
    set / p "cho =>"
    if% cho% == Y goto LOCK
    if% cho% == y goto LOCK
    if% cho% == n goto END
    if% cho% == n goto END
    echo Invalid choice.
    goto CONFIRM
    : LOCK
    ren Locker "Control Panel. {21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
    attrib + h + s "Control Panel. {21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
    echo Folder locked
    goto End
    : UNLOCK
    echo Enter password to unlock the folder
    set / p "pass =>"
    if NOT% pass% == TYPEPASSWORD goto FAIL
    attrib -s -h "Control Panel. {21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
    ren "Control Panel. {21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Locker
    echo Folder Unlocked successfully
    goto End
    : FAIL
    echo Invalid password
    goto end
    md Locker
    echo Locker created successfully
    goto End

    : End

    3. In the code TYPEPASSWORD replace the text with the password that you wish

    4. Keep a notepad by clicking File and then Save As, and save it with the name lock.bat save as type to All Files.

    5. Open the file that we just open, wait a minute it will appear a new folder named Locker.

    6. Move the files you want to secure into the Locker folder

    7. Double-click again on the file lock.bat it will display a dialog if you want to lock the folder, type Y and then Enter

    8. Folder Locker will be lost, but do not worry because this folder is hidden only by the system

    9. To bring it back, double-click on lock.bat then be asked for a password to open it, type in your password and press Enter

    10. Folder Locker has resurfaced and you can already see the file again.
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    LAN Ethernet speed throughput decreases becomes very low over time wíth Fritz!Box 7390 and Linksys WRT54G in the same network because of conflicting routers

    In my LAN, I have a AVM Fritz!Box 7390 as DSL router and a Linksys WRT54G acting as a WiFi/WLAN repeater and LAN switch. Everything was fine for years with this configuration on DSL 16.000 (Annex B).
    After German Telekom upgraded us to VoIP in the Fritz!Box (Annex J), problems started. Turning all devices on, full LAN and Internet Speed was present at all computer in the Network. After some time, the spped in the local LAN decreased (transfer rate from PC to PC as well as from PC to Internet) to just a few KB per second.(I tested internet speed with Ookla speedtest Internet Speed for WiFi devices connected to Fritz!Box router directly was OK.
    I found out, unplugging the LAN cable from the Fritz!Box router and plugging it in again brings back full transfer rates in the LAN between all PCs and to the Internet.

    In thesSetup-menu of the Linksys under "Advanced Routing" theres an option called "Operating Mode". It was set to "Gateway". I set it to "Router" as suggested by the help text. No more LAN problems so far.

    In German / Auf Deutsch:
    LAN-Datenrate bricht ein / wird sehr langsam in einem Netzwerk mit Fritz!Box 7390 (als Internet-Router und WLAN-AP) und Linksys WRT54G (als interner Switch und WLAN-Bridge)
    Nach der DSL-Umstellung von Annex B (16 MBit) auf Annex J bzw. VDSL 2 ist in meinem LAN die Netto-Übertragungsrate im Laufe einiger Stunden von anfänglich 10 MB/s auf wenige KB/s gesunken, sowohl zwischen PCs als auch in das Internet. Geräte, die über WLAN mit der Frtz!Box verbunden waren hatten weiterhin die volle Datenrate ins Internet.
    Aus- und Einstecken den LAN-Kabels an der Fritz!Box behob das Problem kurzzeitig, jedoch trat es nach einigen Stunden erneut auf.
    Im Setup-Menü des WRT54G gibt es unter "Erweitertes Routing" eine Option zum Einstellen, ob über den Router eine Internetverbindung hergestellt ist (Gateway) oder ein anderer Router im Netz das übernimmt (Router). Bei mir war die Option auf "Gateway" eingestellt. Umgestellt auf "Router" und das Problem ist gelöst. Seither keine Einbrüche der Übertragungsrate mehr.
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    Saturday, February 28, 2015

    Automatic Batch Rebuild of Adobe Acrobat Index Files

    If you create an index of Adobe Acrobat files for fast searching, you may want to create a scheduled task that updates the index every night.
    Adobe didnt have any pages that told me what should be in the BPDX file, but after some serious googling I was able to find a sample.

    Here is a sample:

    c:Document ArchivesMy Index.pdx /rebuild

    When I call the BPDX file from Task Scheduler I use this command line:
    "C:Program Files (x86)AdobeAcrobat 10.0AcrobatAcrobat.exe" "c:scriptsBatchUpdate.bpdx"

    Acrobat will not close on its own, but since I run this every night on a server, I just leave it running and it fires off again the next day in the same dialog box without opening new sessions.

    This is the Help (or lack of it) from the Adobe Website on how to use the BPDX:

    Use the Catalog feature and a catalog batch PDX file (.bpdx) to schedule when and how often to automatically build, rebuild, update, and purge an index. A BPDX file is a text file that contains a list of platform-dependent catalog index file paths and flags. You use a scheduling application, such as Windows Scheduler, to display the BPDX file in Acrobat. Acrobat then re-creates the index according to the flags in the BPDX file.

    For more information on scheduling an indexing update, search for BPDX at

    Note: To use BPDX files, in the Preferences dialog box under Catalog, select Allow Catalog Batch Files (.bpdx) To Be Run.
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    Outlook calendar publish to WebDav server login failed How to change cached credentials in Windows 8

    Recently I changed the password of my WebDav-Account. After that, Outlook stopped to publish my calendar to the Server. I tried to re-publish the calendar, but Outlook did not prompt me for the username / Password and still told me "Login failed".

    I went to system control -> user accounts -> credential manager -> windows logon credentials
    There i found the setting "MSOutlookGeneric - MyWebDavServer". Open the tab and use "edit" to Change the credentials or delete the entry to let Outook prompt you for the login credentials again.

    In German / Deutsch:
    In der Systemsteuerung findet sich unter Benutzerkonten -> Anmeldeinformationsverwaltung -> Windows-Anmeldeinformationen "MSOutlookGeneric - MeinWebDavServer". Den Tab ausklappen unter unter "Bearbeiten" das Passwort eingeben.

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    Outlook 2013 does note sync contact birthday to outlook com for contacts copied from contact folder

    I wanted to switch my contact management from OpenXChange/Outlook to  Im using Outlook 2013 (15.0.4615.1000) on Windows 8.

    I followed the steps described here: and copied all contacts from local Outlook folder to the contact folder of my account.

    I turned out, that the contacts were synced, but the birthday date for all of them was gone. Even manually entering the date in Outlook did not fix it.

    - Export all contacts to a csv-file from Outlook
    - Manually import the contacts from the csv-file in
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    How can i change move re locate the local temp folder of Microsoft OneDrive Skydrive to a different location

    I wanted to move the local temp folder of OneDrive to a different harddrive on my computer.


    I found the right hints here:

    Change the OneDrive Folder Location

    Technical Level : Basic


    Learn how to change the OneDrive folder location. This is useful if you have a limited storage capacity main drive but a separate storage drive and you want your OneDrive content synced to the separate drive. This is not for OneDrive for Business.


    Many people use two separate drives on their computers: a main drive like an SSD to run the operating system and other programs, and a regular hard drive to store the bulk of their content. OneDrive defaults to the C:UserOneDrive location, however you can change it wherever you want.
    Change the OneDrive Location in Windows 8 and Previous
    To change the OneDrive folder location in Windows 8 and previous versions, you have unlink OneDrive from your account and then repeat the setup process:
    1. Right-click on the OneDrive icon in the notification area and then select Settings
    2. Select "Settings" and then select "Unlink OneDrive"
    3. Follow the setup process again and ensure to select the new drive or location to have OneDrive sync to; you must wait for your files to download again to the new location
    Please note: if youve connected your Windows 8 user account with your Microsoft account, OneDrive wont let you unlink the application. Youll have to unlink your Microsoft account from your Windows account first.
    Change the OneDrive Location in Windows 8.1
    To change the OneDrive folder location in Windows 8.1, you can simply change the location directly through the Properties menu of the OneDrive folder:
    1. Open File Explorer, right-click on the OneDrive folder in the navigation pane (left-hand side), and then select Properties
    2. Click the "Location" tab and then select "Move"
    3. Select the location where you want OneDrive to sync to and then click OK
    OneDrive will move all of your OneDrive files from the default location to the new location; you dont have to wait for files to download again.
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    How to remove EMail stuck in Windows 8 Mail App Outbox

    I was behind a Firewall that blocked outgoing mails. I got a mail stuck in my Windows 8 Metro Mail App outbox. The app did not allow me to delete it from the folder.
    How i fixed it:
    I disabled my network connections. Then i was allowed to delete the mail.
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    Firefox does not start but HDD usage goes up to 100 on Windows 8 1 and blocks freezes the computer

    Today my firefox 33 did not start any more. In task manager the process was shown, but with memory = 0 and CPU = 0. But the HDD usage of my computer went up to 100% and it was fully blocked for everything else. Waiting for a couple of minutI es did not change anything, also rebooting did not help

    Since Internet Explorer since worked on the computer, i went to and installed the latest version of the firefox browser. After this, firefox worked fine again.

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    How To Use Ccleaner to Fix Computer Error

    CCleaner is a software which I think is very useful for computer users or laptop operating system Windows, as CCleaner helps us to clear the cache of the Internet or the rest of the history of the use of our day - the day so as not to burden the hard drive if the unused files are not deleted.
    in accordance with the title now I will explain the most complete way to use CCleaner  who has not really understand what functions and how to use this software. This article is made with my personal experience.

    Step - Step Install CCleaner
    1. Please open the folder that has been my friend CCleaner software downloaded on your PC / Laptop / NoteBook, etc., if my friend had not been able to download CCleaner here. Find the setup file double-click the icon, and then look for the language look like next button.Go to next stage
    How To Use Ccleaner to Fix Computer Error 1